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A propos de PlaniswareEPM-PPM

Planisware, formerly OPX2, is a Project Management (EPM) and Project Portfolio Management (PPM) solution.

This enterprise software can be implemented within large organizations because of its ability to handle a large number of projects and users at once (several tens of thousands of users).

  • The portfolio vision allows the in-depth follow-up of the company’s projects, the identification of potential adhesion problems and to plan and adapt the executional capacity of each department.
  • The operational vision proposed by Planisware allows the day-to-day support of actors in various aspects of a project (costs, planning, resources, workflow, etc.) and in the management of the company (product, invoicing...).

Tyneo Consulting assists its clients in the implementation and operational maintenance of Planisware. Thanks to Planisware’s immense array of possibilities in terms of configuration and development, Tyneo consultants adapt the tool to your own requirements with a sustainable approach*.

Non-exhaustive list of modules for the Planisware 6 application:

  • Projects
  • Work packages
  • Resources
  • Products
  • Ideas
  • Opportunities
  • Portfolio
  • Simulations
  • Collaborators
  • Invoicing
  • Planisware Explorer
  • Presentations

Planisware par Planisware

Dernière versionPlanisware v6
EnvironnementMicrosoft Windows, Linux 64 bits, Mac OSX

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